Pastor greg duke

Greg is certainly no stranger to the Prattville community having served on staff at First Presbyterian Church (PCA) in downtown Prattville for 4 years (1994-1997) as the Director of Student Ministries and 4 years as an Assistant Pastor of Outreach and Administration (2005-2009). In between these two positions at FPC, he served on staff at Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Dalton, GA for 8 years working with Jr./Sr. High School and College students. As a huge proponent of Missions, Greg also served as an Associate Staff with the PCA's Mission to the World leading teams in Belgium, Belize, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, and the Netherlands.

Greg's Theological training is from Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte, NC), and Birmingham Theological Seminary. He is an ordained Pastor in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, and was assessed and approved as a church planter by Outreach North America (ONA) and the Tennessee-Alabama Presbytery in 2010. He has been a member of the board of ONA as chairman and member of New Church Development. Greg is active in the Prattville Community and has served as the Director of the Autauga County Heritage Association, President of the Prattville Autauga Character Coalition, Chairmen of the Youth Leadership Autauga County (2020 Class), and board member of the Prattville YMCA . He and his bride Courtney were married in the Spring of 1995 and have 3 adult sons; James (married to Madalyn), Graham, and Elliot.

Church staff & Ministry Team Leaders

  • Admin Assistant

    Taylor Mills

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  • Artist in residence

    Theo Pinson

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  • Children's Ministry

    Ashley Williamson

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  • Communications DIR

    Michelle Repolles

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  • Community Groups

    Corbin Williamson

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    Anselmo "Mo" Repolles

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  • Missions

    Erin Norton

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  • Treasurer

    Joe Mills, CPA

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  • Women's Ministries

    Dawn Bowles

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  • Wonderfully Made

    Dianna Penn

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  • List Item

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  • List Item

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  • Trustee (Thru 2027)

    David Gibbons

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  • Trustee (Thru 2026)

    Rachel Miller

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  • Trustee (Thru 2025)

    Steve Beeler

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The office of deacon as set forth in the Scriptures (1 Tim 3:8-13, Acts 6:1-7) is ordinary and perpetual in the Church. The office of deacon is one of sympathy and service after the example of Christ. To this office should be chosen individuals who are faithful and diligent Christians of good character, of honest repute, exemplary life, brotherly love, sympathetic nature, and sound judgment, who are qualified under the standards recorded in Scripture.

  • It shall be responsible for the congregation’s ministry to those in material need or distress and all such things as can be covered by the term “mercy ministry.” The needs of those who are within the congregation shall be given first priority, and then those needs outside the congregation.
  • It shall also encourage practice of total stewardship among the members of the congregation, encouraging tithing in particular, a general spirit of liberality and hospitality towards their fellow saints as well as the world, and helping them to see that their possessions are a trust to keep before the Lord.
  • It shall plan, in collaboration with the Session, the causes toward which the offerings of the congregation shall be directed; devise effective methods for securing and receiving these offerings; secure and receive special offerings as directed by the Session and the higher courts of the Church; and see that all offerings are properly recorded and distributed.
  • It shall have the care of the general property of the congregation, both real and personal. In matters requiring extraordinary expenditure for acquisition, construction, or alteration of Church property, consent of the congregation is required.
  • The congregation shall seek to call those to be deacons who collectively demonstrate the gifts and calling necessary for such ministry.

Our Deacons are: Steve Beeler (Chairman), Randy Hensley, Joe Mills, and Andrew Norton (Secretary).


The office of Elder as set forth in the Scriptures (1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, 1 Peter 5:1-7, and Acts 20:28) is ordinary and perpetual in the Church. In both the Old Testament and New Testament church, God ordained elders to govern and discipline his people. To this office of elder shall be chosen men of wisdom, discretion, sound faith and godly life, and who are qualified under the standards recorded in Scripture.

The Sessions primary responsibility is the spiritual oversight of the congregation. Together they plan, organize and administer programs designed to enable the congregation to carry on the mission of Riverside Presbyterian Church by word and deed in the community and also in the Presbytery, the General Synod, and the whole world. In order to institute and supervise the general work of the congregation, the Session has the power to appoint boards, commissions, or committees of the congregation. The list below is a sample of the duties and responsibilities of the Session. Our Form of Government says that Elders are to:

  • Shepherd the members by visiting with them, especially the sick; praying with them; comforting the sorrowing, encouraging the weak, guiding the wayward and the careless, and, in general, discharging all other duties in Christian love
  • Receive applicants into communicant church membership upon profession of faith in Jesus Christ, upon reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ, or upon transfer of membership.
  • Instruct, examine, ordain, and install elders and deacons upon their election by the congregation.
  • Encourage the officers of the congregation to devote themselves to their respective responsibilities.
  • Supervise the work of the diaconate and examine the records of its proceedings.
  • Call a congregational meeting.
  • Exercise authority over the use of the church buildings and associated properties.

Our Elders are: Pastor Greg Duke (Moderator), Greg Day, Jon Dunaway (Clerk of Session), and Rusty Jacksland.